Using A MySQL Database Account

Written by Mel Gorman, Stephen Burke

Orac runs a MySQL server which any user may get an account for. By default, it does not exist as not many users require one. To get one created, mail dbadmin /at/ skynet /dot/ ie with a username and preferred password. The database will be created with the same name as the username except in exceptional circumstances. The user has full access privilege on the database, including GRANT and DROP so be careful not to accidently drop it.

By default the user database will only be accessible from inside the Skynet Cluster. If the user must use a GUI SQL client, then it is possible to tunnel a MySQL Connection to your computer using ssh (putty). Skynet does not have a GUI SQL client due to the lack of demand. Hence, this guide will cover the basics for using the command-line mysql client.

To connect to the database client (when ssh'd into Skynet), type ->
mysql -u your_username -p -h your_databasename

The -u switch is for the username, -h is the host the database is running on and -p is so the client asks for a password. If the password must be entered on the command line, use the -p switch as -pThePassword. For a full list of switches, type mysql --help or man mysql. In 99% of the cases with the computer society, the database name will be the same as the username. Type in the password when requested and the command prompt to the database will be shown like this

mel@skynet:~$ mysql -u mel -p -h mel
Mysql blah blah


From there normal SQL commands may be entered. There is a number of tutorials on the net related to SQL commands. A very comprehensive manual to MySQL is available from the MySQL site which covers all the database commands.

If something with the database goes serious wrong be it the password is forgotten or something unusual needs to be set up, mail dbadmin /at/ skynet /dot/ ie with a detailed report of what is needed.

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